Social businesses

Social businesses

Sustainability model

We believe that in order to develop sustainable culture and art in new areas of Israel, we must create a solid economic base. From this belief, we developed an economic infrastructure for all of the initiatives that we have established over the years. In recent years, we have also established social businesses dedicated who are profit-oriented and set up to develop employment in the creative industry.



Engineering start-up

“amali” is a product engineering startup that combines artists and creative thinking in the business world. The venture operates in collaboration with a mid-size industrial factory in China and currently employs ten artists.



Distribution company

Hafatzat is a social business established to assist artists to develop products and market them to a wider audience. The company provides services at an affordable cost:  business development, marketing, sales services, logistics and financing. The business currently employs six Tarbut artists and has serves over 20 artists/business initiatives on a monthly basis.

Creative consulting

Creative consulting

This business venture offers services to customers in the education system, the business sector, the public sector and the private sector. The services provided combine artistic methods with organizational consulting, team building skills, brand design processes and more. The business currently employs five Tarbut artists.